Ride Into Action, Partner, and Ace This John Wayne Quiz!

Ride Into Action, Partner, and Ace This John Wayne Quiz!

QUESTION 56-"Give this insubordinate son-of-a-bitch every truck and every blanket in the Third Army. And I don’t care who you have to steal them from!"

Correct Incorrect Cast a Giant Shadow looms large in depicting the partition of British Palestine into Jewish and Palestinian states in 1947. Wayne portrays a former U.S. Army officer tasked with reorganizing the Haganah on behalf of the Jewish population.

QUESTION 56-"Give this insubordinate son-of-a-bitch every truck and every blanket in the Third Army. And I don’t care who you have to steal them from!"

  • In the Doghouse
  • She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
  • The Sea Chase
  • Cast a Giant Shadow