Prove You a Successful Sheriff Through the Andy Griffith Quiz

Prove You a Successful Sheriff Through the Andy Griffith Quiz

QUESTION 43-Before becoming a police officer and sheriff, Andy held a more ordinary job in Mayberry. Can you recall where he used to work?

Correct Incorrect Andy Taylor was employed at the Grand Theater, a significant fixture in Mayberry's social life. Often referred to as the "Mayberry Theater," it made frequent appearances in the show. Opie and Gomer would enjoy watching sci-fi films there, while Andy and Barney would take their dates to the theater. Additionally, the theater had extended hours on Saturday nights, staying open late.

QUESTION 43-Before becoming a police officer and sheriff, Andy held a more ordinary job in Mayberry. Can you recall where he used to work?

  • Pet store
  • Movie theater
  • Barber shop
  • Ice cream shop