I Love Lucy: Test Your Knowledge of the Timeless Sitcom

I Love Lucy: Test Your Knowledge of the Timeless Sitcom

When Lucy and the others are accidentally imprisoned in Bent Fork, Tennessee, what song do they sing to conceal the noise of the sawing, as Cousin Ernie attempts to break them out?

Correct Incorrect In the classic episode "Tennessee Bound" of <i>I Love Lucy</i>, Lucy and her friends are mistakenly arrested in Bent Fork, Tennessee. To cover up the noise of Cousin Ernie sawing through the jail bars, they sing the beloved American classic, "Old MacDonald Had a Farm."

When Lucy and the others are accidentally imprisoned in Bent Fork, Tennessee, what song do they sing to conceal the noise of the sawing, as Cousin Ernie attempts to break them out?

  • Old MacDonald Had a Farm
  • Mary Had a Little Lamb
  • Row, Row, Row Your Boat
  • Hickory, Dickory, Dock